I'm grateful to have several poems in the inaugural issue of Compass Rose Literary Journal. A big congratulations to Kelly Easton and Lauren Rapp for launching this beauty into the world! Thanks to the editors for featuring my work as Poem of the Day in Compass Rose Literary Journal!
I'm thrilled that my poem "Say I am a river," originally published in Border Crossing, has been set to music by Diana Rosenblum, commissioned and recorded by the Whistling Hens!
Many thanks to Amherst Writers and Writers Press for anchoring my poem “Adrift“ in this issue of Peregrine!
Many thanks to Richard Waring for inviting me to read in the PoemWorks Series!
For the Zoom link, email Richard: [email protected] Grateful to the editors, Kevin Carey & M.P. Carver for including my little poem about the fiddler crabs!
Many thanks to the editors who took such care with my work! |
November 2023